Lawn Sprinkler Repairs & Service Windsor Ontario
Why the Windsor Lawn Service Call Approach Does Not Work Anymore.
If you have ever had a lawn sprinkler system failure, especially a sprinkler head (rotor) failure, your lawn likely had already suffered damage and that’s when you decided to call a service crew.
It is a fact that by the time a consumer needs to make a service call for a lawn sprinkler system repair, the lawn has already been damaged in some capacity.
Not only this… But,
The other downside to the problem at hand is that there was likely an ongoing issue for many months or weeks prior to the failure.
What does all this mean?
Think of the wasted money on water bills, putting water through a cracked / broken pipe or failed rotor. Not to mention the poor lawn!
Even worse, if you are on a lawn care program for fertilizing and weed control, you are likely not getting your moneys worth out of it simply due to a sprinkler system malfunction!
Oh goodness…
Ahh yes… and then comes the service call, trying to get someone on the phone to arrange a callback, then arrange a visit, this can be dually frustrating especially while you know you are wasting precious dollars in the meantime.
Stop and think about what we just went over in the last section, Burnt out lawns and wasted money on lawn care programs? Lets stop the anxiety for good, Thirsty Turf can deal with the problems for you.
Thirsty Turf has season long sprinkler system maintenance packages that include many valuable service visits to your home throughout the growing season. Many parts included in select packages as well and all season long peace of mind is a guarantee!
Check out our service packages here!
Does it seem like no matter what they do to fix it, the lawn is still brown in spots?
Tip Top Service
Call Thirsty Turf to schedule your system audit today and experience the difference attention to detail makes!